Following on from the two Open Evenings which were well attended and hopefully enlightened the Community as to where the Neighbourhood Plan is at this stage, and where it is going in the future, bearing in mind our Vision for Bramley.


In 2029 Bramley will be an attractive village with a strong rural character, excellent and conveniently located community facilities, a range of high quality homes fulfilling local needs, safe and convenient access to transport services and green spaces, and good opportunities for locally based employment.

We are now looking forward to receiving the feedback from the community to help the steering group move the plan to the next stage, to produce the policies to achieve the Vision and Strategic Aims.

As explained at the meetings, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has identified 21 potential sites all with their individual characteristics which will be fully assessed using the assessment criteria. By way of example, there are 6 sites listed on the Feedback form for you to comment on. The form can be completed and posted as directed or completed on-line. Full assessment of the sites has yet to be completed and presentation to the Parish Council has yet to take place.

The map showing the 21 sites is below: (click on the image to see a larger version)

Bramley Neighbourhood Plan - Development Options

Map showing 21 possible sites within Bramley

If for any reason the above image does not display correctly, you can also download a version of the image in Adobe PDF format.

Bramley 21 Sites (High Resolution)
Bramley 21 Sites (High Resolution)
Version: 1.0
27.7 MiB
Bramley 21 Sites (Low Resolution)
Bramley 21 Sites (Low Resolution)
Version: 1.0
280.5 KiB

Sites are:

  • BR02                            Kings Copse, Land adjacent to Church Farm Cottages
  • Bram 05                       Minchens Lane Site
  • Bram 010                     Strawberry Fields
  • NP01                            Land adjacent to Church Farm Cottages and bordering Cufaude Lane
  • NP02                            Land to the west of Tudor Farm
  • NP03                            Land adjacent to Church Farm
  • NP04                            Land to rear of Middle Farm
  • NP05                            Land to rear of the Village Hall
  • NP06                            Land adjacent to NP05 and NP07
  • NP07                            Land behind Minchens Court and Clift Surgery
  • NP08 to NP 12             Land to West of Minchens Lane
  • NP13                            Land opposite Barefoot House
  • NP14                            Land to North of Moate Close
  • NP15                            Holly Cross Farm
  • NP16                            Land behind Oliver’s Farm
  • NP17                            Green Farm
  • NP18                            Land off Lane End, Beech Farm.

We are asking you to complete the survey with the 6 examples. You can make any comments you feel will help the steering group in producing the Neighbourhood Plan acceptable to the community such that Bramley achieves it’s Vision for the future.
All 21 sites have yet to be fully assessed using the assessment criteria..

The survey can be found here: Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Development Survey

A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here:

Development Options May 2014
Development Options May 2014
Version: 1.0
3.4 MiB

The survey is now closed.
The closing date for providing feedback via the above forms is 30th May 2014. Midnight June 2 2014

Please share this page, and the survey page with all of your friends and neighbours here in Bramley.

Last updated: July 6, 2014 at 9:07 am

2 comments on “Vision and Development Options

  • As the owner of Bramley garage and the shops my concerns are the increased pedestrian and traffic in our immediate area, especially since the development of the old C.A.D. I would hope that any further development would consider the impact on the business’s in the area by foot or road and general traffic problems we incur every day.

    I was born here and my grandparents owned what is now strawberry fields. There was a butcher,grocer,paper shop/newsagents/post office,doctors surgery,garage and 3 other general stores. We actually have less facilities for the village today than we had in 1968. I would hope development would facilitate a village centre to accommodate a further extended Bramley.

  • The sites for development do not include any land down Cufaude Lane.
    I and my 2 neighbours own 3 fields which could be developed in conjunction with Cufaude Farm opposite us. We have already submitted representations for the “LDP” to be amended to include our land. Please can you add our site ?

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