On Thursday 30th March at 7.30pm, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council will be holding a full council meeting. Item 9 on the agenda that evening will be two recommendations, namely: Council, under section 38A(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, formally make the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan with immediate effect, with the consequence that… Read More

The Bramley residents came out on a bitterly cold day to support the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). With a turnout of 32.53% they voted by a considerable margin to have the NP sitting alongside Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Local Plan. Any planning application submitted in the parish, including those for speculative housebuilding, must by law… Read More

One of the questions that came up at the Open Sessions held prior to the Referendum was: How do I know which Polling Station to use? There are two Polling Stations being used in the Referendum for the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan.  Bramley Primary School (see Details of restricted parking and access) Bramley Village Hall The… Read More

With less than a week before the referendum, we have seen several questions across various websites and forums along the lines of “What does a YES or NO vote actually mean?” A NO vote will not stop development in the future but it means that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in their decision making on… Read More

For those parishioners who have been delegated to use the Bramley Primary School as their Polling Station on the 9th February, please be aware of the following notice. The school will remain open on the 9th February with the Polling Station being held in the main hall.  The hall will be segregated from the rest… Read More