checkered flagOn Thursday 30th March at 7.30pm, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council will be holding a full council meeting.

Item 9 on the agenda that evening will be two recommendations, namely:

  1. Council, under section 38A(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, formally make the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan with immediate effect, with the consequence that it becomes part of the statutory Development Plan for the area.
  1. Council congratulates the local community and Neighbourhood Planning Group on their work to develop the Plan.

The first recommendation is the council official “making” the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan from which point on it becomes a legally binding part of the Statutory Development Plan for the area.

Cllr. Ruffell, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure says in his foreword:

I highly commend all of the hard work completed over recent years by the local community to get the plan to this stage. Neighbourhood Planning enables local communities to have a real say over the future of their area and ensure that development meets their needs.

Members of the public and steering committee are able to attend but will not be permitted to speak at the Council Meeting.

The full BDBC agenda can be found at:

The agenda item can be found at:

The Steering Committee and Bramley Parish Council would once again like to thank all those that have contributed to the Bramley Neighbourhood Planning Process and helping us reach this milestone.  The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan is now a living breathing part of the statutory planning process and once the plan is ‘made’ at the full council meeting, can be changed and amended in the years to come by future generations of those living within Bramley.  Those living in Bramley now have more say in the planning process than at any time previous but the work doesn’t stop here.  This is your neighbourhood and your future.

Click the Next Page below to read the background and summary of the process.

Last updated: March 29, 2017 at 11:56 am