Details of the February 2017 Referendum Result Neighbourhood Plan Summary, 2017-2029 In 2029 Bramley will be an attractive village with a strong historic character, an unspoiled rural setting, excellent and conveniently located community facilities, a range of high quality homes fulfilling local needs, safe and convenient access to transport services and green spaces, and good opportunities for locally based employment NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT New housing development outside the Bramley Settlement Policy Boundary will only be supported if it is in accordance with relevant Local Plan policies for new housing in the countryside. The Bramley Settlement Policy Boundary is shown in Illustration 6a. All new housing developments must make a proportionate contribution to the provision or improvement of local services, facilities and infrastructure, at a rate, scale and pace to meet the needs and requirements that are expected to arise from that development, in order to maintain or improve upon levels of provision in Bramley extant in 2016, including the provision of public green space in accordance with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Green Space Standards. PROVISION OF HOUSING TO MEET LOCAL NEEDS All proposals for new housing development must demonstrate how the types of dwellings provided will help ensure a balanced mix of housing for Bramley, particularly through the provision of dwellings designed for smaller households, including accessible purpose-designed accommodation for older persons, or one or two-bedroom accommodation suitable for younger persons and small families. In all new housing developments providing affordable housing the occupancy of all affordable homes will be prioritised for households with a local connection with the parish of Bramley, as defined by the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Housing Allocations Scheme and any relevant planning policy guidance. The precise housing mix of new development will be determined on a site-by-site basis, having regard to viability and other relevant factors. BRAMLEY COMMUNITY-VALUED ASSETS Development proposals which affect Community-Valued Assets identified in Table 6A, or in the Register of Assets of Community Value held by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, must not result in the loss of, or have an adverse effect on, the asset or assets concerned, unless satisfactory alternative facilities are provided or unless it can be clearly proven that such assets are no longer required; or unless they will provide sufficient community benefit to outweigh the loss of the existing facility, meeting evidence of a local need. Opportunities will be taken whenever possible to improve or enhance Bramley Community-Valued Assets by the use of appropriate planning agreements, conditions or levies. PROVISION OF NEW COMMUNITY FACILITIES When planning permission is granted for development in Bramley opportunities will be taken to provide facilities and amenities of community value, subject to viability, in accordance with priorities identified in this Neighbourhood Plan or otherwise determined by Bramley Parish Council in consultation with the local community. PROTECTING, COMPLEMENTING AND ENHANCING THE HISTORICCHARACTER AND RURAL SETTING OF BRAMLEY Development in and around Bramley village must protect, complement or enhance the Character Area(s) identified in the Bramley Village Character Assessment within or adjacent to which it is located. Development will be supported where it protects, complements or enhances the relevant Character Area(s) with regard to the scale and form of the development, the density of the development, the materials used in the development, important views identified in Appendix D and shown in Illustration 6c, and the local historic environment, where relevant. DESIGN OF NEW DEVELOPMENT New development in Bramley must deliver good quality design. In order to achieve this all new development must wherever possible: Respond to the existing traditional built form in terms of enclosure and definition of streets and spaces; Be well integrated with its surroundings by reinforcing existing connections and creating new ones; Provide convenient access to community services and facilities; Have good access to public transport or otherwise help reduce car dependency; Make positive use of the local topography, landscape and water features, trees and plants, wildlife habitats, existing buildings, site orientation and microclimate; Provide buildings, landscaping and planting to create well defined streets and attractive green spaces within the development which satisfactorily meet the needs of users; Make use of views and landmarks visible from within and from outside the site in order to organize the layout of the development and make it legible for visitors; Provide streets which encourage low vehicle speeds and which can function as safe, social spaces; Integrate car parking within landscaping so that it does not dominate the street; Clearly distinguish between public and private spaces; Contribute to the provision of a safe environment; Provide convenient, well-screened storage space for bins and recycling, and for bicycles; Provide a Connectivity Statement explaining how the development will provide for a fibre optic connection. Policy D2 will be applied flexibly when very high quality, innovative designs are proposed. REDUCING FLOOD RISK Planning applications for developments in Bramley which are located within an area at risk from flooding must include mitigation measures giving priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems to ensure that surface water run-off will not be increased and if possible will be reduced, and to ensure that the development will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere. Sustainable Drainage System, or other appropriate mitigation measures identified in relevant Flood Risk. Assessments should be satisfactorily integrated into the design and layout of the development. PROTECTION OF LOCAL GREEN SPACE Bramley’s strong rural character is derived from key areas of undeveloped open land around and within the village: these areas are shown in Illustration 6d and are designated as Local Green Space in this Neighbourhood Plan. Development on designated Local Green Space will only be permitted in very special circumstances PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Development proposals will only be permitted if significant harm to biodiversity and/or geodiversity resulting from a development (including to important trees, hedgerows and woodland identified in Appendix E to this Neighbourhood Plan and Illustrations 6e(i), 6e(ii) and 6f), can be avoided or, if that is not possible, adequately mitigated, and where the development is in accordance with Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan Policy EM4. New trees and hedgerows planted with new development in the parish must reinforce and reflect local biodiversity. Proposals for public access to areas of important trees, hedgerows and woodland in Bramley will be supported and encouraged where they will not cause significant harm to biodiversity and/or geodiversity. IMPROVING THE FOOTPATH AND CYCLE WAY NETWORK The development, improvement and extension of the footpath and cycleway network, as identified in Illustration 6g, will be supported and encouraged in order to provide better connectivity within the village, safe routes to school and better access to the countryside and to surrounding destinations. IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY IN BRAMLEY Development proposals will not be supported if it is demonstrated that there will be a severe adverse impact on road safety at the known traffic hazards identified in Appendix G that cannot be satisfactorily mitigated. NEW EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT Proposals for the development of new small businesses and for the expansion or diversification of existing businesses in the parish of Bramley will be encouraged, providing that: a) it can be demonstrated that there will be no unacceptable adverse impact resulting from increased traffic, noise, smell, lighting, vibration or other emissions or activities generated by the proposed development; and b) no adverse impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding natural or built environment will result from the proposed development when assessed against other policies in this Neighbourhood Plan or the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan; and c) where appropriate, opportunities are taken to secure the re-use of vacant or redundant historic buildings as part of the development. Where relevant, development proposals for new employment development must provide a Connectivity Statement setting out how the development will provide for a fibre optic connection to the nearest connection point in the public highway. Wherever possible the development must provide suitable ducting to enable more than one service provider to provide a fibre connection to the development. Last updated: October 7, 2020 at 0:07 am