Below you will find the final completed versions of the documentation to support the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan. These are the latest and final versions of the documents you should refer to when making your decision in the referendum .

You can download each of the documents individually by clicking on the document title in the table below. At the bottom of the table there is a single archive file containing all the documents. 

One or two of the individual documents are quite large so a smaller compressed but lower quality version has also been supplied.  These are identified by (small) or (large) in the filename/description.  

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[learn_more caption=”Table Headings and Document Naming Convention”]


This is the document reference and name.


ZAppendix YDocument Title

Z – The first letter is our internal document ordering convention

Appendix Y – The Appendix number of the document if any or if part of a larger document. For example, the main Neighbourhood Plan has appendixes B-H.

Document Title – This is the actual title of the document


This is the version of the document and will be updated if a new version is uploaded to the web site.


This is the physical size of the file in bytes  (usually Mega and Kilo).  Larger file sizes should be avoided if downloading over a metered or slow connection. Where possible, lower resolution and therefore smaller size files have been provided.


This is a count of the number of times a file has been downloaded.


A - The Bramley NDP - (LARGE Version)1.032.0 MiB1585
A - The Bramley NDP - (SMALL Version)1.05.1 MiB1212
B - Appendix B- Summary of Community Consultation and Survey Results1.03.4 MiB614
C - Appendix C - Bramley Village Character Assessment (LARGE Version)1.013.0 MiB1006
C - Appendix C - Bramley Village Character Assessment (SMALL Version)1.09.2 MiB963
D - Appendix D - Vista Views & Important Landscape Views1.03.0 MiB571
E - Appendix E- Bramley Parish Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows and Local Green Spaces1.06.0 MiB1307
F - Appendix F - Evaluation of Transport Effects on Bramley Village in the Prospect of Further Development1.07.1 MiB433
G - Appendix G -Transport Traffic Hazards1.0685.7 KiB619
H - Appendix H - Survey Supplement1.05.1 MiB780
I - Data Analysis Related to Bramley's Expansion (1981-2029)1.01.0 MiB731
J - Bramley CoE Primary School Feedback1.0149.6 KiB489
K - Safety Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Scheme Proposal1.02.9 MiB533
M - Bramley NDP Basic Conditions Statement (Large Version)1.024.7 MiB737
M - Bramley NDP Basic Conditions Statement (SMALL Version)1.03.0 MiB624
N - Bramley NDP Consultation Statement1.02.1 MiB506
O - Appendix C - Table of Regulation 14 Consultation Comments on Draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan 1.0939.8 KiB577
P - Health Check1.0543.1 KiB533
Q - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan (Full Report)1.01.0 MiB463
Q - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan (Non-Technical Summary)1.0439.4 KiB463
R - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) ff the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan - Scoping Document1.01.3 MiB733
S - Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Opinion1.0177.8 KiB418
T - Examiners Report NDP 2011-20291.0410.4 KiB417

Single Archive

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The following archive file is 118Mb in size so please be aware if downloading over a metered/slow connection. The archive file can be expanded with Windows Explorer or other 100% free software (7Zip). Please do not purchase software in order to open it as there is no need to pay! If in doubt, please use our webmaster contact form and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. 


Final Documents
Final Documents
Version: 1.0
118.6 MiB


  Last updated: December 21, 2016 at 20:56 pm
(any individual file(s) being updated will not change the page updated date/time stamp)

7 comments on “Final Document Versions

  • I a disappointed to see the words “at least” used to quantify the number of new homes to be built in the area (as in “at least 200 homes”). Despite all the effort put into describing how to minimise any impact of new house building in Bramley the planners and developers still have carte blanche to built as many homes as they decide (in theory between 200 and infinity), not what the residents of Bramley want.

    The correspondence on record between the Parish Council and B&D on the substitution of “approximately” by “at least” shows the disdain that B&D have for the Local Plan.

    • You’ll find that most residents in Bramley are fed up with the amount of new building in the recent past and the new building going up now and in the near future. You’re not alone with any of your thoughts or frustrations!

      Having a local neighbourhood plan will not stop ALL development but it gives locals a greater say on any future developments. If accepted, the NDP will become a legally binding part of the planning process.

      Not having a local neighbourhood plan leaves Bramley at the mercy of the BDBC planners in Basingstoke, over 7 miles from the village.

      A yes vote says local residents care.
      A no vote says leave it to BDBC.

      What would you prefer?

      Last thing you’d want to do is send a signal to the planners that the villagers don’t care about future development.
      The whole parish need to stand together and send a clear signal to BDBC that says “we want to be heard”.

      It’s no wonder that people are apathetic about the whole process. Despite nearly 3 years of letters, posters, magazine articles, countless public meetings etc, there are still people saying “before I vote yes, can we have this or that” and “can we change it to have that or this”.

      It’s time for the villagers in Bramley to be heard! It’s time that BDBC stop and begin listening to Bramley.

      You won’t get another chance like this for decades…

      Let’s hope the people of Bramley choose wisely…

  • What is glaringly obvious is that places more suitable for development like Overton and Whitchurch are once again not being increased whereas Bramley is whichever way the vote goes. I assume that the Basingstoke and Dean planners live in Whitchurch, Overton and North Waltham 😉

    And I have read up on what a neighbourhood plan is and read all of the published documents, basically it is an acceptance that we are being dumped on by the council with a series of requests that they will ignore.

    • Yes, to you me and probably 99.99% of other residents in Bramley, we don’t want much more development that could turn Bramley from a village to a small town.

      But to say that this Neighbourhood Plan is ‘an acceptance that we are being dumped on” isn’t fair, nor is it true.

      You will always have development in an area if you want to improve or add to existing facilities. That’s just how it is. How much development, where and when is controlled by the local Council. We as locals can and input on that, but only if they take part in the planning process before the developers turn up with their machinery. The important phase is the planning process.

      At least with a Local Neighbourhood Plan, one that has had 2-3 years worth of work carried out by locals who live within Bramley, Bramley has a say on how any future development will be carried out. So rather than the pen pushers sitting down in BDBC who may not have even visited Bramley or know about any nuances in the area, having local knowledge behind the Neighbourhood Plan means that the people of Bramley have a legally binding set of Policies that must be considered by the planners.

      Who is best to decide on what happens in Bramley? The residents of Bramley or a bunch of remote planners down in BDBC?

      Now is not the time to say “we want less of that, more of this, houses of this type, more lights, less lights, bridges, underpasses etc etc etc”. That should have happened during the last 2-3 years when the NDP was being formed. If you or the majority of the villagers in Bramley want pink flashing cats eyes that plays music from one end of the village to the other, then start the process to have that added to Bramley NDP Revision two. Thursday is about voting to accept with a Yes or No, years of hard work on what people want. This is version one.

      What we have a choice to vote for on Thursday is the first Neighbourhood Plan that Bramley has ever had. At present, only the 3rd area in North Hampshire to have one.
      If the vote is NO, then BDBC Planners will have total control over the planning process and basically it says the 3600+ people eligible to vote don’t care about future development or are obviously happy with BDBC doing it.
      However, if the vote is YES, then BDBC will by law, consider the processes and policies within the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan. It also sends a message that the majority of the residents in Bramley do care about future development in Bramley.

      Not voting basically gives up your right to complain about or support future developments in Bramley. When the diggers turn up in the field opposite your house, that is not the time to say “But we don’t want x houses there, and we certainly don’t want three or four storey houses”. Too late.

      You cannot stop development, but you can influence it.
      You cannot influence it by being apathetic and moaning when the builders turn up.

      The Neighbourhood Plan if accepted will be a legally binding part of the planning process.

      Thursday is a chance for the residents of Bramley to say whether they want to have a say on the future development of Bramley, or whether they want BDBC Planning to keep full control of it.
      I know which is preferable to me.

  • Not sure whats the point of all this. A referendum is by its nature a choice yes/no about a well defined option. However the report is just a series of options and opinions that are only required to be considered by BDDC which makes the referendum just a tick box exercise. I suggest that the money spent on the report would have been better spent on making just one improvement to the village, at least we would have something tangible to see. Reports of this type are debated and discussed for a short while then just left on the shelf as “things have move on” and the information considered “irrelevant”.

    • Dear Mr White,
      People and communities across the country are using the new powers under the Localism Act 2011 to create neighbourhood plans.
      Neighbourhood planning is a vital part of the Government’s plans to help local communities play a much stronger role in the shaping of their area. For the first time, local people can create a plan that allows them to develop planning policies that reflect the priorities of their area and have real legal weight. The whole community then decides at a referendum vote whether the local authority should bring the plan into force.
      Bramley is now at the Referendum stage having put together a plan that reflects the wishes of the community. If more than 50% of the people that vote says yes to the plan at referendum, then Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council will “make” the Bramley Neighbourhood plan, meaning it will help determine planning applications in the Bramley Neighbourhood Planning area, “Bramley Parish”. It is a Legal document once “made” that BDBC have to take note of, the wishes of the community.
      Through questionnaires and Open Days, the plan has been put together resulting in policies that reflect the wishes of the community. It is now up to the community to say whether they want this Plan to be part of the planning procedure in the future or not. A “No” vote bins the plan and Basingstoke and Deane Planning department have no community comments to consider as to the future of Bramley.
      Across the Country in December 2016, 6 Plans were made.
      In January 2017 so far, across the country 7 plans have been made.
      If Bramley community decide to say “yes”, then Bramley will be the third parish in Basingstoke and Deane to have a Neighbourhood Plan, the others being Overton, and Oakley and Deane. Neighbourhood plans are being written at present for Sherfield on Loddon and Sherborne St John to name but a few in this area.
      Go to the web site to see the plan, see on the plans mentioned above that have been made in December 2016 and January 2017.
      This plan if made will not be “debated, discussed for a short while then just left on the shelf…… and information considered irrelevant” as you put it, it will be a legal document that HAS TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WITH PLANNING DEVELOPMENTS FOR BRAMLEY IN THE FUTURE, to progress towards the vision for Bramley in the Future.

      I trust this answers your comments

      Kindest regards
      Malcolm Bell
      Bramley Parish Councillor
      Chair Bramley Neighbourhood Planning

    • Wrong – if the result of the referendum is greater than 50%, then the Bramley NDP becomes a legally binding part of the Planning Process. It gives you a damn site more protection than not having anything at all, or more accurately, leaving it up to the planners in Basingstoke who are detached from the local area. The people in the Parish of Bramley are best placed to determine what is right for the local area. It’s no good waiting until the diggers arrive and the buildings are already being started. Having a Local Neighbourhood Development Plan adds valuable input from locals to the planning process. Bramley has seen the downside of not having a Local Plan in place with the development at Minchens Lane, Strawberry Fields and Cufaude lane. All of those developments would not have taken place with a Local Plan in place or at least extremely modified versions of them. All future developments WILL have to consider the Neighbourhood Plan if it becomes a statutory document (just look at how many negative comments from developers). Several years of hard work have gone into this document by volunteers who have given up their time and efforts into doing something to help protect Bramley from future development. You will always have development and you will need development to upgrade local services/areas, a Neighbourhood Plan allows the locals of that area to determine what is best. This document is just version 1. It is a living document that can and will be modified over time.
      Unlike previous ‘surveys’ carried out, this is a legally binding document that planners must take into consideration.
      Have a read up on what Neighbourhood Planning is (–2) and I think you’ll find it’s not just a series of opinions or a tick box exercise. This won’t be debated or discussed and left on the shelf since all you need is 50% + 1 vote of Yes and Basingstoke and Deane will “make” this a part of the planning process.
      You are entitled for vote how ever you wish, but please read up on what a Neighbourhood Plan is before doing so.

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