Below you will find copies of published minutes for the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan meetings. Search for: NameVersionSizeHitsNameVersionSizeHits8th January 20151.0198.8 KiB57422nd July 20141.0194.7 KiB5988th May 20141.0204.6 KiB4513rd April 20141.0198.2 KiB4665th March 20141.0326.7 KiB5466th February 20141.0214.9 KiB6378th January 20141.0208.1 KiB5514th December 20131.0325.4 KiB5316th November 20131.0212.4 KiB6329th October 20131.0196.6 KiB48417th September 20131.0200.5 KiB4186th August 20131.0215.8 KiB9529th July 20131.0211.3 KiB99112th June 20131.0202.3 KiB11208th May 20131.0195.8 KiB92310th April 20131.0197.5 KiB1107Each file can be opening using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is a free application available from page Last updated: December 28, 2013 at 9:30 am(files being added does not change the page updated date/time stamp)