February 10, 2017 | Malcolm Bell | Leave a comment The Bramley residents came out on a bitterly cold day to support the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). With a turnout of 32.53% they voted by a considerable margin to have the NP sitting alongside Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Local Plan. Any planning application submitted in the parish, including those for speculative housebuilding, must by law now be determined against these plans. The voice of Bramley Parish residents as a whole cannot now be ignored. Of those that voted, 95.33% voted YES with 4.67% voting NO. We only needed 50% +1 to make the plan so the residents have spoken in force. Well done!Breakdown of valid votes castThe number of ballot papers rejected was as followsWe now move on and use the plan to ensure that progress is made towards the vision for Bramley in the future. The Parish Council thank the residents of Bramley Parish for their support for the NP and to the members of the steering group whose efforts have given Bramley Parish a Neighbourhood Plan to be proud of. It is a step in the right direction. The Bramley NP goes to full Council at the end of March. This is when BDBC “make” the plan and it officially becomes a legal document. Declaration Of Result Of Poll-Bramley Declaration_of_Result_of_Poll-Bramley.pdf 190.5 KiB 409 Downloads DetailsDate:February 10, 2017BDBC LinksResult – http://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/npreferendumBramley NP – http://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/BramleyNPLast updated: February 10, 2017 at 17:58 pm