The Bramley residents came out on a bitterly cold day to support the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). With a turnout of 32.53% they voted by a considerable margin to have the NP sitting alongside Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Local Plan. Any planning application submitted in the parish, including those for speculative housebuilding, must by law… Read More

With less than a week before the referendum, we have seen several questions across various websites and forums along the lines of “What does a YES or NO vote actually mean?” A NO vote will not stop development in the future but it means that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in their decision making on… Read More

As part of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan process, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) have issued the “Notice of Referendum”.  This is the document that supplies the full details about the referendum process with respect to how to register to vote if you are not yet registered to vote. If you are already registered to… Read More

On the 25th November 2016, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) agrred to proceed to a referendum on the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan.

The Referendum will be held on Thursday 9 February 2017 between 7am and 10pm. The question asked in the referendum will be:

“Do you want Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Bramley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”… Read More

Below you will find the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Vision statement along with a summary of the various policies.  You can use the “previous” and “next” to navigate through the various sections.  A link to the full documentation is provided at the bottom of the page.… Read More