May 17, 2014 | Malcolm Bell | 4 Comments Many thanks to those of you who attended the meeting on the 15th and 22nd May for the presentation on the Vision and Development options and to those who have submitted their results online.June 5th – Update The survey has now closed and the results are being examined by the Steering Group. Last updated: June 5, 2014 at 10:12 am
It says on the google group that the survey is closing today (4th June) but it seems to have closed already at just 11:15am. Can it be reopened please until the end of the day published?Reply
Hi.. My fault entirely, got up this morning and someone had stolen Wednesday. I was sure it was Thursday today as Clift Meadow Surgery will also attest to since I just arrived 24 hours early for my appointment. Hopefully the page above is now back to how it should be and the survey on Google is accepting responses once again. I’m off to go study my calendar. Apologies once again.Reply
Dear Sir/Madam,Sites NP18 and NP02 are not shown on the Bramley 21 Sites map. I would be grateful for a map showing these sites.Kind regardsReply
NP18 is situated on the map underneath BRAM 010 and the left a bit backing onto German Road. (A larger map can be seen here: )I believe NP02 is Tudor Farm, which should be just to the left of Tudor Close and that doesn’t appear on the maps I have at present. I will try and locate a map that shows Tudor Farm, but in the meantime, you can see area by visiting Google Maps at: