April 29, 2014 | Malcolm Bell | Leave a comment A key decision for the Parish Council is where the new development should go. The Neighbourhood Planning Committee has identified a number of possibilities and will select the most suitable sites that can provide the right amount of new development. To do this, each site will be assessed against a range of criteria. To make sure the decision-making process is transparent, the Steering Group is publishing these criteria, so people can see how the decision is being made and comment on whether they feel all the necessary factors are being taken into account: Some of the above criteria must be satisfied for development to be considered at all (e.g. good vehicular access, a willing land owner, etc.). If the answer is no to these questions, then the site will be automatically eliminated. Other criteria can be assessed by scoring, with higher scores meaning the site is more suitable for development.The Steering Group and the Parish Council is inviting local residents to comment on these criteria and to say if there are any other factors that should be taken into account in selecting sites for future development in Bramley.