January 15, 2015 | Malcolm Bell | Leave a comment The Bramley Neighbourhood Plan must comply with EU obligations. An important element of this requirement is that the borough council needs to determine whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be subject to a Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) and/or Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA). This is an important legal requirement and a screening process in relation to this legislation should form an integral part of the neighbourhood planning process as early as possible. The main consideration will be whether the plan is likely to have significant environmental effects (in relation to SEA) or a significant effect on a European site (i.e. a site protected by the Habitats Directive).This report below details the assessment of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan against the need for an SEA and/or HRA to be produced to underpin the Neighbourhood Plan. It concludes that an SEA is considered to be required to accompany the Neighbourhood Plan, but it would not need to be subject to an HRA. Neighbourhood Planning Screening Report Template – Bramley SEA Screening (draft) - Bramley.pdf Version: 1.0 1.5 MiB 610 Downloads DetailsNeighbourhood Planning Screening Report Template – Bramley Draft version for consideration by consultation bodiesStrategic Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations AssessmentAuthor:Basingstoke and Deane Borough CouncilCategory:SEADate:January 15, 2015