Complete our short survey on the proposed development in Bramley at Strawberry Fields

The Neighbourhood Plan is at the editing stage prior to presentation to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. In total 452 residents responded to a previous Housing Survey and from the answers concerning how many houses should be on a site in the future, then 68% favoured 50 houses per site. The results of the survey are on the web site (at

You can find a new short survey at  where we are asking you for feedback on the possible development of 50 houses at Strawberry Fields.
(The survey can also be found at the bottom of this page)

Around the responses of the original Housing Survey, the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan have been written.

As has been pointed out on numerous occasions, Bramley in the Pre Submission Local Plan is allocated 200 houses approximately to be sited by Neighbourhood planning. That allocation, confirmed by the portfolio holder, has been met through the approved development at Minchens Lane.

A letter showing that the Strawberry Fields application has been marked for approval subject to legal agreements can be seen here:

Recommended For Approval Confirmation
Recommended For Approval Confirmation
Version: 1.0
541.7 KiB

Because the Local Plan is not in place and the Neighbourhood Plan is in its present state (in the process of being approved/implemented), developers are taking the opportunity to put in planning applications that will take Bramley well over the 200 allocation. Such an application is for 50 houses on Strawberry Fields (15/02708/OUT –  ). The Parish Council and the NP group have objected to this application, had interviews with the planning officers pointing out the exceptional high growth that Bramley has seen over recent years without any improvement in the infrastructure, and pointed out the views of the residents.

The application has now been presented to the Development Control Committee of Basingstoke and Deane for a Final Decision with the Planning Officers recommending approval. We shall be making representation at the meeting on the 2nd December. We are allowed 4 minutes to make our case.

That being the situation, we are now conducting a short survey to see if you approve or disapprove of a further 50 houses on Strawberry Fields, which is in addition to the 200 on Minchens Lane. It does not stop there because there is a further application in with the planning officers for 82 houses on the Street at the corner of Cufaude Lane, besides tentative enquiries for houses on the field near Tudor Close.

Where will it end? Unless we put up a fight, then Bramley will get swamped with housing, and as is the case for Strawberry Fields, there would be no improvements in the Infrastructure of Bramley, but the housing would contribute to the housing shortage of the Borough which does not have 5 year land availability. As a result, the residents of Bramley are taking on the shortfalls of the Borough to the detriment of its residents.

We are going to the Development Control Committee with the views of the residents who have in the main said, no more!  Bramley is lacking in Infrastructure, only one shop, cars waiting at the crossing is frustrating and dangerous to pedestrians, the school is bursting at the seams.
These facts can only give weight to the argument.

So, yet again we come asking for your feedback by letting us know your views on this application and any short comments you would like to provide by visiting the following link:
Please go to  (The survey can also be found at the bottom of this page)

Thank you.

Planning Application is on the BDBC web site, ref 15/02708/OUT (  )

The comments from the Planning Officer approving this application can be seen on BDBC web site five days prior to the 2nd December, 2015 at 

 Last updated: December 2, 2015 at 20:57 pm

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