July 21, 2015 | Malcolm Bell | 9 Comments On the 8th July 2015 notification was received by Parish Councillors of a proposed new development at the top of Cufaude Lane/The Street junction. This proposal was then distributed to members of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. Below you will find details of the proposal and a copy of corresponding reply sent by Cllr. Malcolm Bell in his capacity as Chair of the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan Working Group and a Bramley Parish Councillor. The details of the proposed development can be found on the website of HSL – Hollins Strategic Land: http://www.hsland.co.uk/bramley.html Below you will find copies of the Consultation Leaflet and their Master Plan documents. Bramley Consultation Leaflet Bramley_Consultation_Leaflet.pdf 1.7 MiB 1291 Downloads Details Invitation for your views on a potential housing proposal The Street, Bramley Category:HSL_Docs Date:July 24, 2015 Bramley Masterplan Bramley_Masterplan.pdf 1.1 MiB 873 Downloads Details A map showing the proposed layout. Category:HSL_Docs Date:July 24, 2015 The above documents were obtained on the 14th July 2015 so please ensure to check the HSL website for any updated versions. Below, you will find a copy of a response sent by Cllr. Malcolm Bell in his capacity as Chair of the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group and Vice Chair of Bramley Parish Council. Dear Sir/Madam Bramley Parish Council have received notification from Mr Withers of a proposed development on The Street, Bramley Hampshire. This was passed to us by our Parish Clerk on 8th July. In this communication, Mr Withers states that: “By way of update, we also wish to give notice to the Parish Council that we have now partnered with a residential developer (Hollins Strategic Land) who will act on our behalf. We understand that a residential planning application will be prepared and submitted shortly and a public engagement leaflet will be distributed to nearby residents from 14th July which summarises the proposals. “ Very few, if any, residents have received any communication, which means making comments by 24th July is very difficult. Any development within Bramley Parish is not only of interest to nearby residents but to the whole community, as demonstrated in the draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan currently out for consultation. On your Web site you state: “HSL has engaged and informed the Parish Council of the proposed scheme. We are inviting the local community of Bramley to provide their views and comments on the scheme by 24 July. You can submit your comments to: consultation@hsland.co.uk “ The first that Bramley Parish Council were aware of these proposals was on receipt of the e-mail from Mr Withers, which, whilst it reached the correct email address, was in fact addressed to the Parish Clerk of Bramley Parish Council, Surrey. There has been no direct engagement with the Parish Council or the Steering Group for the Neighbourhood Plan. We would point out that your web site concerning this proposed application is completely misleading, as is the leaflet that is supposed to have been circulated. Neighbourhood Planning, which has the support of the Government and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, takes into account the views of the community, the requirement as stipulated in the Local Plan, present and future developments and the infrastructure requirements required to meet housing developments. The proposed development is completely contrary to the consensus of the local populace. Yours faithfully Malcolm Bell Chair Neighbourhood Planning working group Vice-Chair Bramley Parish Council Last updated: July 24, 2015 at 17:43 pm
The Lanes and roads around Bramley are becoming increasingly congested, with much traffic not related to the village at all. This has resulted in accidents on Minchens Lane, and school lane. Speed restrictions need to be in place on all surrounding lanes and effective traffic flow management which favours pedestrians, cyclists and non mechanised traffic if we are to retain the rural character of the village. Suggestions to widen roads such as Minchens lane do not in any way resolve the increasing traffic issues and will only exacerbate them. Any road development must fall in favour of the village, pedestrians and cyclists not HGV or commuter traffic using the lanes as a shortcut. Speed limits should be extended to all surrounding roads. Reply
Comments concerning the Neighbourhood Plan have been received and will be analysed by the PC and the Steering Group. If it is considered necessary then the Neighbourhood Plan will be edited taking into consideration comments that will improve the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and make it more acceptable as to the future of Bramley. Alongside the comments on the Neighbourhood Plan, then two Land Owners have submitted outline planning applications for Housing Developments on two sites. One site is the Land on the Street bordering Cufaude Lane for 82 houses and the reference no on the Basingstoke and Deane web site is 15/02682/out:- Click on the following link to be taken to the BDBC Planning page: http://planning.basingstoke.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NSB01ZCRLTF00 The second site is Strawberry Fields for 50 houses with reference 15/02708/OUT:- Click on the following link to be taken to the BDBC Planning page: http://planning.basingstoke.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NSD0O3CRLV300 Both of these applications are in for consideration and comments can be made direct by residents. The Neighbourhood Steering Group alongside the Parish Council will be looking into these applications alongside the Draft Neighbourhood Plan that reflects the wishes of the community as to the future of Bramley. The Neighbourhood Plan more than ever needs the support of the whole community if Bramley is to remain a Rural community. Thank you for your support Malcolm Bell Chair of Neighbourhood Planning [Edited 22AUG2015-1624 by Chris Wright – Updated links to BDBC documentation] Reply
I strongly oppose the Cufaude Lane development. We live on the Street near this proposed plan, and we have not had any notification about this. If you are going to build 200 houses at Mitchens Lane, (which we opposed at the very beginning) we certainly will not be able to get out of drive, it is bad enough at the moment especially when the barriers at the crossing come up. We have lived in this Village for 30 years, have seen lots of changes, but do appreciate that you have to build houses, but enough is enough. We only have one shop which is difficult to park, is the school going to be cope? and the road infrastructure. I walk around the lanes quite often and I see how many cars are going up and down Mitchens Lane, (appreciate that is not all Bramley Residents) In the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan you mentioned ‘Village’ all the time, it isn’t now it is a small town which will get bigger and bigger. Reply
The problem was the massive development they put up on the camp, there were far too many houses in one place with only one main road to take all the traffic, no extra shops, no school or doctor extension and no parking for the amount of school traffic!!!. I think, being a resident of bramley for 25 years (all my life!), more houses is a good idea for people like me have are struggling to keep my young growing family in the village. They just need to make sure that it isn’t like the first development they had and just keep it small Reply
Bramley can not take any more housing. The roads are heavily congested with traffic and Cufaude lane is a nightmare to travel along at all times of the day. This planning application must be refused. Reply
An attempt by another developer to try and cash in before the local plan and the Bramley neighbourhood plan are in force. The lack of a 5 year housing plan by BDBC is unfortunate and ultimately why this situation can occur but there if no justification for the actions of irresponsible developers and local land owners. The thoughts and wishes of the local community should be considered and the upcoming Bramley local plan would be the ideal source of local views for future development. This development is not only of the wrong type and size, but in the wrong location Reply
How has this proposal just suddenly popped up? Comments by 24 July???? I think someone is having a laugh!! Over the years Bramley has changed from a desirable village to a busy over populated town, with new housing bursting at the seams. The amount of traffic going through Bramley is getting worse, more housing will simply make it unbearable. Enough is enough, NO MORE DEVELOPMENT. Reply
Comments on behalf of Mrs Lewis, I did not receive any communication whatsoever relating to the Development Proposal until the 24th July (Too Late) Both neighbours also unaware of the proposal. I object most strongly to such housing development in such an already overbuilt position generally. Our traffic situation is already stretched to bursting point. A most unacceptable and quite ludicrous suggestion. Reply
Bramley’s infrastructure cannot sustain anymore housing development. The area around Cufaude Lane is particularly prone to flooding, as are many other parts of Bramley. The traffic congestion at Cufaude Lane and the level crossing already cause problems. Reply