Bramley NDP Documents for SubmissionThe Neighbourhood Plan has now been fully edited taking into account comments from Statutory Consultees and the Community. The Plan has been represented for Strategic Environmental Assessment and a response received with comments taken into account in the Plan.

Presentation to Basingstoke and Deane had been slightly delayed because of the Update to the Strategic Environmental Assessment, but now that has been resolved, the completed Bramley Neighbourhood Plan is about to be presented in June to Basingstoke and Deane for the Final Phase.

As reported previously, the schedule to follow now is:-

  1. Reg 15:- Submit the plan and consultation statement to BDBC (June 2016)
  2. Reg 16:- BDBC publicises the proposed plan so that stakeholders can make representations that may be considered at Examination. (Consultation 6 weeks)
  3. Reg 17:- BDBC submit the plan and any representations to the person appointed to carry out the examination (6 weeks)
  4. Reg 18:- BDBC publishes the Examination report and a decision notice. The Decision notice sets out whether or not BDBC is prepared to adopt the plan. (At this stage having had consultation with BDBC throughout the making of the plan there would have to be something seriously wrong not to adopt). Having agreed to adopt, the plan goes to referendum. A support in excess of 50% is required to accept the plan (4 weeks)
  5. Reg 20:- This states what BDBC must do when plan is adopted, having passed referendum (becomes part of the planning rules, a legal document)

The Neighbourhood Plan and all the supporting documents can be found at the bottom of this page.

You download each of the documents individually, or at the very bottom there is a single archive file containing all the documents.  (This archive file can be expanded with free software, please do not purchase software in order to open it as there is no need to pay!).  Some of the documents are quite large so a smaller more compressed lower quality version has been supplied.  These are identified by (small) or (large) in the filename/description.   Each file can be opening using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is a free application available from

This is the Final Phase. The Plan is to control future development in Bramley Parish in line with the wishes of the community and is in conformity with the Local Plan which is a legal requirement. When it comes up for referendum and trusting that it is approved, it becomes a Legal Document that planning officers have to take note of.

The Parish Council trusts that the community will give the Neighbourhood Plan their full support. A considerable amount of effort has gone into producing the plan that will see Bramley through to 2029.

Malcolm Bell

Chair Bramley Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Development Plan
Documentation For Submission

The Final Draft documents have now been superseded by the final versions of all documents prior to the referendum stage.
A single archive file containing all of the pre-referendum draft documents can be downloaded below:

Documents Final Versions
Documents Final Versions
Version: 1.0
109.6 MiB

Comments can be left below.

 Last updated: December 20, 2016 at 22:05 pm
(files being updated does not change the page updated date/time stamp)

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