Bramley NDP - Housing Survey ResultsThe aim of the survey was to seek local views on the maximum number of dwellings that should be built in any future developments.   The results from this survey will help form the basis of a policy within the Neighbourhood Plan that will limit the size of individual housing schemes within or immediately adjacent to the village settlement boundary.

By the various means, postal, Web, email, there was 452 responses to the housing survey. The reason for the survey was to find what the community considered to be an acceptable maximum number of houses per site. The analysis that had been completed from previous surveys, from general data, from the comments of the residents and as a result of the site surveys completed by the Steering group, scoring the sites against specific criteria, it was realised that the Neighbourhood Plan was not in a position to put forward a specific site or sites for future development.
It was therefore decided that still conforming with the requirements of the Local Plan, that sites may be developed in the future through land owners putting in a planning application, but that the Neighbourhood Plan should be in a position to determine the level of development, the number of houses per site which the community would be happy with, that the developments would be in keeping with the rural aspect of Bramley.
As the Neighbourhood Plan is there to reflect the wishes of the community, the question within this survey was asking for an acceptable maximum number of houses per development.
The answer came back that the majority, 51%, considered that a maximum number of houses per development was 50. There was 26% that said “other” levels than those suggested in the questionnaire. Breaking down the other replies, then 51 people (44%) of the 117 that said “Others” said zero housing.
Whilst this is quite an understandable view of the community, because Bramley has seen a disproportionate level of expansion over recent years without any improvement in the infrastructure, it is not realistic and is not compliant with the Local Plan. Taking out the zero figures, then 68% of the 335 answers that gave positive figures to development on sites said that 50 houses per site were acceptable.
It is this figure that has been put into the neighbourhood plan in the “Housing Policy” for future developments in Bramley.
The purpose of asking for the Post Codes is to evaluate whether it is the views of the whole community or of a selected area. Bramley being a linear village on either side of the C32 and with the rail crossing dividing the village in the centre, the population on the east side of the rail crossing is in excess of the population on the west side. The maps of post codes show that opinion for the numbers suggested is shared by the community as a whole. More votes were registered for people on the east side of the railway crossing, but this could be expected considering the higher no of residents on the east side.
The Steering group have taken the results of this survey forward and inserted them into the Neighbourhood plan. The housing policy does not just look at numbers but also design, impact on the environment etc. so the policy now written can go forward in the draft form for Consultation when the community will have the opportunity to examine the plan and make comments.

A downloadable PDF version of the results can be downloaded below.

Housing Survey Results
Housing Survey Results
Housing Survey Results_HR.pdf
Version: 1.0
2.3 MiB

On the following page, the presentation can be viewed as a series of images, but it may be difficult to read some of the finer details.  Please use the PDF version above if you are having trouble reading the images online.

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