summaryandconclusionBelow you will find the Summary and Conclusion of the External Examiner appointed by Bramley Parish Council as to whether the Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum stage.  At the bottom of the page you will find a full copy of the examiners report along with any supporting documents referenced within the report. 

Summary and Conclusion

  1. The Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan has a clear vision. Strategic aims and objectives to achieve the vision help to inform the policies in the Plan.
  2. I have recommended modification to some of the policies in the Plan. In particular, I have recommended modification to Policy H1 by the deletion of criteria for development if there is not a five year housing land supply, as this does not have regard to national policy and does not contribute towards sustainable development.
  3. I have recommended that Policy H2 is modified to refer to affordable homes being prioritised for households with a local connection, as defined by the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Housing Allocations Scheme.
  4. To avoid internal conflict in the Plan and to have regard to national policy on Local Green Spaces, I have recommended the deletion of the site in Policy CVA1 that are also identified as Local Green Spaces in Policy RE3.
  5. I have recommended modification to Policies D1, D2 and RE1 by omitting reference to Design and Access Statements or other written statements. The request for additional information in a Design and Access Statement does not have regard to national policy. The request for other written statements may not be proportionate for small scale development.
  6. I have recommended the deletion of Policy RE2. I do not consider the inclusion of the Area of Separation in Policy RE2 provides a practical framework for decision making. The protection of this Area of Separation is essentially established in the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan Policy EM2.
  7. I have found that the Local Green Spaces accord with the criteria for such a designation in the National Planning Policy Framework. I have recommended modification to Policy RE3 to ensure that development on designated Local Green Space will only be permitted in very special circumstances.
  8. I have recommended significant modification to Policy RE4, primarily to ensure that it is in general conformity with strategic policy in the Local Plan and to provide a practical framework for decision making.
  9. I have recommended modification to other policies in the Plan, primarily in the interest of clarity and precision, to provide a practical framework for decision making.
  10. Whilst I have set out my reasoning under individual policies, my overall conclusion is that, subject to my recommendations, the Plan meets the Basic Conditions. It is appropriate to make the Plan. Subject to my recommendations being accepted, I consider that the Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2029 will provide a strong practical framework against which decisions on development can be made. I am pleased to recommend that the Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2029, as modified by my recommendations, should proceed to Referendum.
BDBC Response To Examiner Enquiry 3Oct2016
BDBC Response To Examiner Enquiry 3Oct2016
404.7 KiB
Examiner Email To BDBC 23 Sept 2016
Examiner Email To BDBC 23 Sept 2016
Version: 1.0
205.9 KiB
ExaminersReport Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2029
ExaminersReport Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2029
Version: 1.0
410.5 KiB
Outstanding Requirements For Policy SS5 NP
Outstanding Requirements For Policy SS5 NP
331.7 KiB

 Last updated: October 24, 2016 at 21:18 pm

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