September 24, 2013 | Malcolm Bell | 6 Comments On the 28th September 2013, you have a chance to come along to the Clift Meadow Pavilion and tell the NDP committee just what you think about your village. You have a chance to be a part of shaping the future and direction of just how you want your village to develop.Your Voice, Your Village, Our futureSaturday 28th September 10am to 4pmClift Meadow PavillionBelow you will find just some of the comments raised by the community during the initial consultations:HousingLarge Scale Developments are not wantedHousing Developments to meet the existing Local NeedsHousing not to impact on the existing Rural AspectObjective: Deliver a mix of housingObjective: Where possible, limit the size of individual developmentsObjective: Hosing Developments not to impact excessively on the rural viewsTransportInsufficient Parking FacilitiesSafety IssuesNo Cycle and/or footpath to SherfieldTraffic Speed issuesObjective: Create new parking areaObjective : Connect new housing with good pedestrian and cycle connectionsObjective: Address safety and traffic build-up around the level crossingObjective: Improve existing pedestrian and cycle connections within BramleyCommunity and Recreational AmenitiesThere seems to be sufficient community facilities but co-ordination not centralisedCurrent Community facilities not sufficient for expanding villageBetter shop, more shopsNeed for a Village Centre, within walking distance of all housingAll efforts should be made to update existing facilities rather than build on ever decreasing green spaceMore facilities for young people in evening, indoor and outdoorObjective: Maintain and enhance recreational and community facilities for all ages where there is an identified needObjective: Support and promote local businesses e.g. Complimentary health and beautyObjective: Explore need for further shopping facilities possibly in a different areaObjective: Encourage and promote clubs, societies and other recreational facilities users to support the existing amenitiesEnvironmentImportant that Bramley retains its village statusGreen areas should be well maintained and expandedPriority has to be given to protecting the Green and Recreational areasImprove footpaths and cycle tracksRetain countryside, keeping trees as much as possibleObjective: Protect the Rural character of the villageObjective: Minimise the environmental impact of new development and ensure it is sympathetic to its setting within the villageObjective: Preserve and enhance wildlife/conservation areasObjective: Ensure new builds include public open green spaces Last updated: September 24, 2013 at 15:39 pm
I would like to see ALL comments raised listed here. Peoples views are very important and these should all be shared not selectively chosen. Can we please see all the comments?Reply
Hi Mr GAM: Am not sure what you mean by “see ALL comments” raised here? Are you referring to comments posted on the website, or comments posted via the open evenings? In the case of the website, ALL comments are posted. In the case of the comments collected at the Open Evenings from the 15/22 May (on Planning and Development). Those will be collated and the report posted once the survey has finished (30 May) (give or take a few days/week or so for the steering group to produce a report). If there is something else we’ve missed, please contact us using our contact form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Many thanks Chris Wright (Website Manager)Reply
Dear Sirs, I write to reconfirm my strong objection to the parish Councils (PC) continued unwelcome support to the developers proposing to develop the land at Minchens Lane for residential development. I have attended 2 public consultations with respect to this potential application and both times have had discussions with the Chairman regarding his obvious bias toward supporting this application. Indeed until I informed him that I was a consultant in the development industry and he informed me who he was you could be forgiven for thinking he worked for the Developer. I have repeatedly requested information on what the developer has provided in terms of technical detail, particularly Highways/transport & infrastructure related. At the time there was a good deal of yes yes we will get this to you but nothing has been provided. Indeed I offered my services as a consultant free of charge but this has clearly fallen on death ears as your minds are made up.I now note on page 18 of the Bramley Magazine that the PC consider this development to be a done deal. Hardly a professional or democratic way to approach a Neighbourhood Local Plan I can assure you. With the above in mind I withdraw my offer of help and will continue to object to the development via appropriate channels.Reply
I would like someone to address the rather important issue of school places, no matter where they put an extra 200 houses there is still the problem of not having a big enough school for the amount of children. The school is no longer a small village school and is obviously struggling with its transition. They have just extended and now have more classrooms but another 200 homes will mean a lot more children to place again.Reply
We attended the open day and commented that our preference was for the development (if there is to be a single 200 site) to be on the land in Minchens Lane donated by the Clift’s for the purpose (we believe) of providing low cost housing. Surprised this didn’t figure in the written record. We also supported a suggestion to create a by pass of the level crossing using Oliver’s Lane, Barefoot and Minchens Lanes with the pedestrianisation or pedestrian priority in the area between Strawberry Fields and Minchens Lane.Reply
Dear NDP Organisers – firstly keep up the good work, you may not get thanked often, but it is appreciated by those that know what it takes!We cannot make it to Clift Pavillion tomorrow as we will be travelling to visit relations. So we would like to pass on a few observations. Firstly, we live in The Mews, off Campbell Road, so at the ‘far end’ of the Village, and have lived there since 1992.1. HOUSING – we have lived through the greater developments of housing in Bramley – with the extra estates being built over time up to German Road, so the KEY THING IS – NO MORE NEW HOUSING WITHOUT PRIOR AGREEMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE TO BE PUT IN PLACE BEFORE THE NEW HOUSES ARE BUILT e.g. ROADS existing ones to be improved / strengthened or new ones constructed. New estate roads must be wide enough to cope with 2 or 3 cars per household, which is today’s norm. 2.1. SAFETY – what can be put in the plan to ensure that EMERGENCY SERVICES e.g. Fire, Ambulance have good and timely access? 2.2 Our primary schoolchildren should be able to walk to the Village school (under supervision). It is 1.5 miles approx of a very unsafe walk today… lots of unnecessary car journey’s are being made today – surely this could be tackled. 3. TRANSPORT / RECREATIONAL – when oh when will we be able to walk, or cycle, on an appropriately constructed off road pathway to Sherfield – we’ve only been asking for it for over 20 years now! 4. SPEED CONTROL/ CALMING – the measures we have in place today are poor. They have to keep being repaired because the large lorries (another issue) keep destroying the posts that have been put in place, along with destroying the road surfaces at the ‘pinch’ points. This means ongoing unnecessary costs – we can adopt better more simplistic measures as used in some of our European neighbouring countries. If you are interested to discuss these please call me.Reply