Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014 - 2029This is the beginning of putting together the Draft Plan for Bramley against the vision for Bramley

” In 2029 Bramley will be an attractive village with a strong rural character, excellent and conveniently located community facilities, a range of high quality homes fulfilling local needs,safe and convenient access to transport services and green spaces, and good opportunities for locally based employment”

Urban VisionThis has been produced by the consultant Mick Downs of Urban Vision who with the members of the steering group has analysed the information from the surveys completed and from the comments of the community. The aim of this draft was to support discussion at the recent Vision and Development Options open days held on May 15 and 22

It has yet to be discussed, amended and then approved by the Steering Group and by the Parish Council, but we are presenting it at this stage to show the community that we are putting together the Plan that will see Bramley through to 2029.  Its in early stages of production, but it at least shows that we are moving forward to achieving our goal.

A downloadable PDF version of the presentation can be found at the bottom of the page.

Click on the 1st slide/image and the images should launch in a viewer with which you can use your keyboard arrow keys, or your mouse (and clicking left and right) to move between the slides.To close the images, either click close or press the Esc key (which doesn’t work on all browsers), or by clicking ‘outside’ of the image being displayed.

Bramley Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014 - 2029 (Draft)
2.1 MiB

Last updated: January 31, 2018 at 12:36 pm

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