July 5, 2014 | Malcolm Bell The Evenings were Open to the residents of Bramley so that we, on the Steering Group, could communicate as to the present situation of the Neighbourhood Plan. With a Power Point presentation by the Chair, Malcolm Bell and by the Consultant, Mick Downs of Urban Vision, the Vision for Bramley along with the Strategic Aims to achieve the Vision were presented. The first evening, then there was 37 residents who signed in, but counting those that came in via other doors, we had 55/60 residents present. The second evening, 70 signed in but again we had 80/90 present. The residents were presented with the information from the surveys completed which has resulted in the Steering Group putting forward the Strategic Aims. They were asked via a survey available on the evening and available online, to agree or disagree with the Aims. Knowing the position concerning the Local Plan which is not as yet approved, that Basingstoke and Deane does not have a 5 year land availability programme and that they are down to build 748 houses per year through to 2029, with no Neighbourhood Plan as yet approved but in the process of being written, then there is this window of opportunity for developers to come forward and put in planning application for housing. The Local Plan stipulates in the Draft Form that Bramley is allocated 200 houses. Bramley has experienced considerable growth over the past years without any improvements to the infrastructure, so the community was askedHow much development should there be in Bramley?What kind of New Development does Bramley Need?Given that the Steering Group are looking at various sites within Bramley, 6 sites were presented as examples and the community’s opinions sort as to supporting or otherwise for development. The Results of the surveys are attached below. Overall, the Community in the majority agreed with our Strategic Aims to Achieve the Vision for Bramley in the Future, in the majority suggested how much development Bramley should have bearing in mind what the Local Plan expects, made comments both constructive and destructive, and gave their opinions on the example sites presented. All comments are taken into consideration in preparing the Neighbourhood Plan, so responses are noted. We trust the Community felt that we are moving in the right direction to producing a Plan that will see Bramley through to 2029, that as a result of our efforts the Vision will in the main be achieved, thatIn 2029 Bramley will be an attractive village with strong rural character, excellent and conveniently located community facilities, a range of high quality homes fulfilling local needs, safe and convenient access to transport services, and good opportunities for locally based employment.Survey Results Last updated: July 6, 2014 at 8:37 am Development And Planning Results Development and Planning Results.pdf Version: 1.0 921.7 KiB 1791 Downloads DetailsAuthor:Bramley NDPCategory:Survey ResultsDate:July 5, 2014