Strategic Environmental Assessment LogoMeeting with Mark Fessey, Principal Consultant
AECOM, 9th February, 2015, and Actions arising

The Meeting was arranged to introduce Mark to Bramley and for him to enlighten us on the procedure for the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment. As a result of BDBC having screened the draft neighbourhood plan, the Final Report published February 2015 requested that Bramley Neighbourhood Plan required a SEIA.

Mark went through the e mail dated 27th January explaining the SEIA process.
First stage is scoping the SEA, establishing parameters for subsequent assessment work, building up a framework.

The Draft SEIA report will take 2 to 3 weeks to produce. The report has then to go out to the Strategic Consultees for 5 week consultation.

Once the Scope is completed, then assessment work commences, of the draft plan and the “reasonable alternatives”. This was an area considered important that alternatives to what has been finalised in the plan are fully documented. Consideration as to why 50 houses per site are in the plan, against allocating any of the sites assessed, against 100 houses per site? It was mentioned that obviously with more development, then Bramley could benefit from more money from the development. Discussion was around the impact more houses would have on affecting the Rural aspect of Bramley, on the traffic problems, on safety, on the school and also against excessive development because of the large housing developments that Bramley has taken over the past years without any improvement in the infrastructure. Bramley did not therefore want more housing other than that allocated through the Local Plan without considerable improvements in the infrastructure, safety etc.
(On this point the recent edit of the draft is bringing in paragraphs addressing the alternatives, as it has been put, “telling the story”) (Urban Vision)

Comments from Steering Group members required

To the time of the SEA being available to be presented to the PC for approval is 10 weeks.

During this period, then the Consultation information can be put down in chronological order, (the Consultation Statement) (Urban Vision)

The Consultation schedule with the Community can be produced in conjunction with the PC.
Basic Conditions statement can be produced (Urban Vision)

The SEIA is an Independent report. Mark has been given the go ahead to produce this report. A grant may be available from BDBC. Application for the grant will be processed (M Bell)

Full explanation of the procedure is in the e mail dated 27th January, 2015, and the work of Urban Vision in e mail dated 14th November, 2014

The timescale associated with finalising the Plan is to be produced with input from BDBC where Independent Examination of the Plan is going to clash with the Local Plan. Requests have been made to push back the plan because of lack of availability of Officers at BDBC because of commitments to the Local Plan. The earliest for Referendum with the Consultations, examinations etc. is now down at February/March 2016

Those present at the meeting:

  • Mark Fessey
  • Malcolm Bell
  • Anthony Durrant
  • George Zaidmann
  • Chris Flooks

 Last updated: February 25, 2015 at 17:28 pm

Neighbourhood Planning Screening Report – Bramley
Neighbourhood Planning Screening Report – Bramley
Version: 1.0
1.6 MiB
SEA - Screening Opinion
SEA - Screening Opinion
Version: 1.0
177.5 KiB