June 17, 2015 | cwadmin | 3 Comments Bramley Green -policies have been created to ensure that all new development meets the needs and aspirations of the CommunityFirstly, a big thank you to all who have been involved in helping the Bramley Neighbourhood Planning steering group create a plan for the future development of Bramley. The plan once adopted will be a legal document of which planning officers will have to take note.This document sets out the policies which we propose will inform all planning decisions in the period 2014-2029, including importantly the number of new dwellings in the Parish.Basingstoke Local PlanAs you may have read in the Gazette, Basingstoke’s Emerging Local Plan has been the subject of a pre-examination review with the Inspector which has resulted in a delay in the formal examination of this Plan. Housing numbers for the Basingstoke Area have been increased to 850 per year from 745 per year. This could impact on the allocation for Bramley. The Steering group believes that the best course of action is to continue with the current plan.Your involvement was crucialFor our Neighbourhood Plan to be successful it must represent the views and needs of the community. The whole community has been kept up to speed through articles in The Bramley Magazine, the Neighbourhood Plan Web site, Parish Web site, Google and the Parish Council. You have contributed throughout the period up to producing the Draft Plan.Period of Public ConsultationThe Bramley Parish Council has now had chance to review the plan produced, and is presenting this to all those who live, work and do business in the area. This is a formal part of the Neighbourhood Plan process and the Parish Council is bound to review all comments received but not necessarily make amendments if it is considers that the evidence gained from the earlier community engagement does not support the suggested amendments.You are invited to submit comments via our online feedback form, which you can find here:https://bramleyndp.org.uk/contact-us/draft-neighbourhood-plan-feedback-form/You may also email to feedback@bramleyndp.org.uk .A PDF version of the Public Consultation and feedback form can be found at the end of this page.You can download, print out, complete and return the form and send to the Bramley Parish Clerk at:Bramley Parish ClerkNeighbourhood Planning11 PinehurstTadleyRG26 3APThe Parish Clerk can be contacted via: 07810 692486Comments must reach us by 17.30 on 19thAugust 2015.A hard copy is also available to inspect at the Clift Meadow Surgery, The Estate Agents, The Bakery and the Village Hall in Bramley, and at House Twenty 8 (coffee shop) in Sherfield on Loddon. The Neighbourhood Plan team welcomes comments that support what is written as well as those with ideas for improving the document.Sustainability AppraisalDuring March/April 2015 the draft Plan has been assessed by an independent body, AECOM, formerly URS, in a Sustainability Appraisal which scrutinized the draft plan to ensure that all suitable alternatives have been looked at and that the solution arrived at is sustainable.Main IssuesThe principal issues arising from the consultations focused on Housing, transport, the environment, community facilities, safety, recreation and education. Based on these issues, strategic aims were set for the plan:-BSA1: To make provision for new housing development which satisfies local strategic growth requirements, fulfills local housing needs and enables locally needed infrastructure to be deliveredBSA2: To ensure that all new developments are appropriate in size and complement and enhance the rural character of the villageBSA3: To maintain and enhance the range of community and recreational amenities, services and facilities appropriate for BramleyBSA4: To protect the rural character of the village and its setting and minimize the environmental impact of new developmentBSA5: To improve pedestrian and cycle connections within Bramley and to surrounding destinations.BSA6: To resolve problems of on-street parking, congestion and safety associated with the railway station level crossing and nearby shops and businessesBSA7: To provide opportunities for suitable new employment development in BramleyPoliciesIn addressing these issues/aims, policies have been created to ensure that all new development meets the needs and aspirations of the Community. Each of the Policies has been created in response to the aims and these are in turn linked to evidence coming from the community consultations. Summaries of the policies are set out below. The full wording and more explanation for the rationale behind the policies are contained in the full copy of the Plan.Policy H1: New Housing DevelopmentFuture Housing development in Bramley will be permitted up to a maximum of 50 dwellings within or immediately adjoining the settlement boundary. New Housing outside or not immediately adjoining the Bramley Settlement boundary will only be permitted if it is in accordance with policy SS6 in the Local Plan. All New housing developments must make proportionate contribution to the provision or improvement of local services and facilities.Policy H2: Provision of Housing to meet local needsProposals for new housing development must demonstrate how the types of dwellings provided will ensure a balanced mix of housing for Bramley, particularly through the provision of dwellings designed for smaller households.Policy ACV1: Protection of Assets of Community valueDevelopment proposals which affect Assets of community value must not result in the loss of or have adverse effect on the asset or assets concerned. Wherever possible, improvements or enhancements to assets of community value will be part of the development concerned by the use of appropriate planning agreements, conditions or levies.Policy ACV2: The Provision of New Assets of Community ValueWhen planning permission is granted for development in Bramley, opportunities will be taken to provide new assets of community value. Appropriate use will be made of the Community Infrastructure Levy, other planning agreements in order to deliver new local assetsPolicy D1: Protecting and enhancing the rural character of BramleyDevelopment in and around Bramley village must protect or enhance the Character Area(s) identified in the Village Character Assessment within or adjacent to which it is located taking into account the scale of the development, density, materials used and key views.Policy D2: Design of New DevelopmentNew development in Bramley must deliver good quality design ( terms within the full copy of the plan)Policy RE1: Reducing Flood RiskPlanning applications for proposals for development in Bramley which are located within an area at risk of flooding must identify the mitigation measures that will be taken to ensure the development is not exposed unnecessarily to the risk of flooding or increase the risk.Policy RE2: Area of SeparationAn area comprising open agricultural land and woodland will be maintained between villages. Development which detracts from this will not be permitted.Policy RE3: Protection of Local Green SpaceBramley’s strong rural character is derived from areas of undeveloped open land around and within the village. Development on such Local Green Spaces will not be permitted.Policy RE4: Protection and Enhancement of the Natural EnvironmentDevelopment that results in the loss of important trees, hedgerows or woodland of arboricultural, ecological or amenity value will not be permitted. New Trees and hedgerows planted with new development in the parish will be selected to reinforce and reflect local biodiversity. Hedgerows and woodland in Bramley will be made more accessible to people on foot and initiatives for ecologically balance maintenance and management of the natural environment will be introduced.Policy T1: Improving the footpath and cycleway networkOpportunities will be taken to develop, improve and extend the footpath and cycle way network in order to provide better connectivity within the village, safe routes to school and better access to the countryside and to surrounding destinations.Policy T2: Improving Road Safety in BramleyAll proposals for significant new development in Bramley in the vicinity of known traffic hazards must be accompanied by Traffic Impact Assessment. All proposals for significant new development which have an impact on known traffic hazards must make provision for appropriate mitigation or improvement measures to improve road safety.Policy E1: New Employment DevelopmentProposals for the development of new small businesses and for the expansion or diversification of existing businesses in the Parish of Bramley will be encouraged provided that there are no adverse effects resulting from increased traffic, noise, smell etc., no adverse impact on the natural or built environment. The re-use of vacant or redundant buildings as part of the development will be encouraged.Public consultation on the Bramley Neighbourhood PlanThis can only be a summary of the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan. To fully appreciate the policies and the background associated in composing the policies, the results of the surveys completed, then reference has to be made to the full plan which is available on the web site www.bramleyndp.org.uk , is on display at Dr’s Surgery, Estate Agent, The Bakery, Village Hall in Bramley, and at House Twenty 8 (coffee shop) in Sherfield on Loddon and will be available at the Open Meetings at the Bramley Room, the Village Hall on the 4th July and the 25th July, 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs. Members of the steering group will be on hand at the open meetings to discuss the plan with individuals. What is required now from the community is approval in principle to the plan,You are invited to submit comments via our online feedback form, which you can find here:https://bramleyndp.org.uk/contact-us/draft-neighbourhood-plan-feedback-form/You may also email to feedback@bramleyndp.org.uk .A PDF version of the Public Consultation and feedback form can be found at the end of this page.You can download, print out, complete and return the form and send to the Bramley Parish Clerk at:Bramley Parish ClerkNeighbourhood Planning11 PinehurstTadleyRG26 3APThe Parish Clerk can be contacted via: 07810 692486Comments must reach us by 17.30 on 19thAugust 2015.We ask for names and post codes because comments, agreement with the plan or otherwise have to be from residents, businesses, landowners within the Parish of Bramley, and we therefore have a means of checking against the electoral roll. Personal details are confidential and are only available to the Parish Council.Once any further comments received have been reviewed, and amendments made if deemed necessary, the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council for review and offering a further chance for interested parties to make comments. Further amendments could be made at this stage prior to the Plan going to formal examination where the Examiner will consider all points raised and determine whether the document is compliant with the rules and ready to be tested in a formal referendum in the community which will be organized by Basingstoke Council electoral service.Don’t forget, please submit your comments via our online feedback form, which you can find here:https://bramleyndp.org.uk/contact-us/draft-neighbourhood-plan-feedback-form/Comments must reach us by 17.30 on 19thAugust 2015. Consultation Flyer June 2015 ConsultationSummary.pdf Version: 1.0 551.7 KiB 1110 Downloads DetailsThis document sets out the policies which we propose will inform all planning decisions in the period 2014-2029, including importantly the number of new dwellings in the Parish.Author:Bramley NDPCategory:Supporting DocumentsDate:June 17, 2015Last updated: June 25, 2015 at 12:15 pm
Supportive of the Neighbourhood Development Plan – At the same tim, it does could make more of the fact that Bramley is already an overdeveloped settlement in terms of the infrastructure and facilities in the village. More could be done now to improve the level of shopping facilities to save travel to Sherfield Chineham or Basingstoke. Also, the railway crossing is an increasing inconvenience with gates closed sometimes for more than 30 minutes in the hour. Consideration should be given to part pedestrianising the centre of the village and bypassing the crossing via Folly Lane, Olivers Lane and Minchens Lane.Reply
The plan is well balanced allowing development bt with limited impact on the village character. On policy H2, housing suitable for older residents needs to be added.Reply
The infrastructure is not good enough as it is, the doctors surgery is falling over, the school is now to small for big increase in families, no parking for the train station, increase in traffic. This infrastructure was built for a tiny village and still has not changed despite the vast amounts of houses and flats that continue to be built. I just hope that if they have to build more and we have no choice they finally listen and create the infrastructure that we so desperately already need. We were told this would happen the last time hundreds of flats and houses were built at the end of Campbell Road but nothing was done about this.Reply