August 31, 2015 | cwadmin Comments concerning the Neighbourhood Plan have been received and will be analysed by the Parish Council and the Steering Group. If it is considered necessary then the Neighbourhood Plan will be edited taking into consideration comments that will improve the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and make it more acceptable as to the future of Bramley Parish An email was sent to all people who have responded so far to thank them for their comments and support of the Neighbourhood Plan in getting to this stage of the procedure prior to going to Basingstoke and Deane for approval. The plan is then sent to an external examiner prior to going to referendum when the community can vote to accept or reject the plan If 50% of those that vote say yes, then the plan becomes a Legal Document that the planning officers have to take note of. The Neighbourhood Plan has to be in accord with the Adopted Local Plan which is at present still in Draft form. In the Local Plan, Bramley is allocated 200 houses to be sited by Neighbourhood Planning. The planning application for 200 houses on Minchens lane was accepted by Basingstoke and Deane, this having the support of the community who were given the opportunity to accept the development and negotiate for infrastructure improvements with the developer, or reject with no added benefits and the likely outcome being that the development would get accepted by the housing minister at appeal because of the shortage of housing in the borough of Basingstoke. Having been accepted, then this has been confirmed at meeting the housing allocation for Bramley as stated in the Pre Submisssion Local Plan. Because the Local Plan is in its Draft form, as is the Neighbourhood Plan, then developers can apply to develop land in any area in the knowledge that it will be accessed by the planning department on a stand-alone basis without it likely being influenced by the Local Plan or the Neighbourhood Plan. Two Land Owners have submitted outline planning applications alongside their comments on the Neighbourhood Plan for Housing Developments on two sites within the Parish of Bramley. One site is the Land on the Street bordering Cufaude Lane for 82 houses and the reference number on the Basingstoke and Deane web site is 15/02682/out:(Click on the following link to be taken to the BDBC Planning page) (or ) The second site is Strawberry Fields for 50 houses with reference 15/02708/OUT: (Click on the following link to be taken to the BDBC Planning page) (or ) Both of these applications are in for consideration and comments can be made direct by residents. The Neighbourhood Steering Group alongside the Parish Council will be looking into these applications alongside the Draft Neighbourhood Plan that reflects the wishes of the community as to the future of Bramley Parish. If these applications had to be accepted, then Bramley Village will be taking 200 houses already accepted for Minchens Lane plus a further 132 houses, way above the allocation of the draft Local Plan, with no negotiated further improvement in the infrastructure. This is development adjacent to the Settlement boundary and does not take into account the housing developments down Cufaude Lane which are within the boundary of the Parish for 425 at Razors Farm ( 60% of this development lays within the Parish Boundary) and a further 390 dwellings that are likely to be built at Upper Cufaude Farm. That totals 977 houses in the Parish of Bramley. The Neighbourhood Plan more than ever needs the support of the whole community if Bramley is to remain a rural community. Please encourage your neighbours and local friends to submit any feedback on these and future planning applications in addition to the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan