The feedback consultation period ended at 17.30 on Wed 19th August 2015

Below is a form that can be returned with comments. We ask for names and post codes because comments, agreement with the plan or otherwise have to be from residents, businesses, landowners within the Parish of Bramley, and we therefore have a means of checking against the electoral roll. Personal details are confidential and are only available to the Parish Council.

Once any further comments received have been reviewed, and amendments made if deemed necessary, the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council for review and offering a further chance for interested parties to make comments. Further amendments could be made at this stage prior to the Plan going to formal examination where the Examiner will consider all points raised and determine whether the document is compliant with the rules and ready to be tested in a formal referendum in the community which will be organized by Basingstoke Council electoral service.

If you are experiencing problems with the above form you can use our contact form to send us details or you can email us via 

You will receive a confirmation email for all contact with Bramley NDP.  If you fail to receive any such reply, please check your spam/junk folder and/or settings. 
If in doubt, please email the web site manager at

 Last updated: August 20, 2015 at 7:35 am